New Oscott Primary School


We are excited to share that Tilbury Douglas Construction Ltd will soon be submitting an application for the construction of a new school building and improvement works at New Oscott Primary School on Markham Road. The Department for Education has appointed Tilbury Douglas as the contractor to carry out these works. The new school will be of great benefit to the students, staff and local community.

About The Site

New Oscott Primary School is a 3-form entry school situated in Sutton Coldfield for children aged 3 -11 years old. It is located in a predominantly residential area to the south of Sutton Park. Two of the school boundaries immediately adjoin the rear boundaries of residential properties fronting Markham Road and Knightsfield Close.

The school boundaries adjoins 3 roads; Markham Road, Jevons Road and Avery Road together with the rear gardens of properties fronting onto Markham Road and Knightsfield Close. The buildings vary in age and are in a poor state of repair. There are two areas of hardstanding together with the playing pitches which lie to the south of the site close to Jevons Road. Parking is located to the north of the site accessed off Markham Road.

The Proposal

The Department for Education has appointed Tilbury Douglas to prepare and submit a full planning application for the construction of a new school at New Oscott Primary School. The proposed development forms part of the DfE School Rebuilding Programme which proposes major rebuilding and refurbishment projects at schools and sixth form college buildings across England, prioritising those buildings in poor condition.

The proposed development will deliver the following:

Design and Sustainability

The new school building will have a contemporary feel with a simple design and clean lines, complementing the surrounding environment. It will be built with a brick and render finish and has been designed to sit comfortably within the site, positioned away from residential boundaries.

It is considered that the proposed development would make a positive contribution to its immediate setting, improving the appearance of the site and being in keeping with the character and appearance of the area.

The building has been designed to be a highly efficient, low carbon and climate resilient development built in accordance with the DfE S21 specification which will be net zero in operation.

Highways, Access and Parking

The existing vehicular access off Markham Road is to be retained together with a separate pedestrian access. There will be a clear segregation of uses to ensure pedestrian safety. The existing pedestrian accesses off Jevons Road will also be retained.

Whilst the existing student and staff numbers are to remain unchanged, additional car parking is proposed to provide 63 spaces which will include 4 disabled spaces. Additional cycle parking is also proposed.

A separate service/delivery layby is included within the layout to minimise conflict with other users of the site.

The site is well related to the residential area it serves, and the school will seek to promote access by means other than the car. Further, given that there is no increase in numbers at the site, it is considered that there will be no adverse impact upon the local highway network in terms of trip generation.

Sports Provision

The compact design of the building allows the provision of more space for recreational use. The development includes 2 playing pitches of different sizes; an U12/12, 9 v 9 pitch and an U7/8, 5 v 5 pitch, designed to accord with FA requirements. In addition, two MUGAs (Multi Use Games Areas) are to be provided which will include markings for tennis, basketball, netball and 5 aside football. Neither of the MUGAs are to be floodlit.

The site also includes a playground/area of hardstanding immediately adjoining the school, together with other areas of grass for informal amenity space.

Phasing of the Development

In order to keep the existing school open during the construction process, the proposed works will take place in phases. In simple terms these will include:

What Happens Next?

We aim to submit a planning application October 2023. Subject to planning permission being granted, works on site will commence in March 2024. It is intended that the new school will be ready for occupation for September 2025. The final phases of the redevelopment of the site will continue until August 2026.

Your Views

If you have any questions on these proposals or would like to make comments about the scheme before the application is submitted, please get in touch. You can:

Please ensure comments are received by Friday 29th September 2023.

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    Do you support the proposed development at Oscott Primary School?

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