Photo of Peter Keenan

Peter Keenan

Peter is a chartered town planner with over 14 years’ planning consultancy experience working for private and public sector clients. He has a keen eye for detail, ensuring that his projects are well researched with key challenges identified at the outset and any risks mitigated. This approach has led to an excellent success rate.

Peter regularly leads major planning applications, working with architects and other consultants, negotiating with local authorities to secure planning permission and advises clients on planning law and procedures. When necessary, he has appeared as an expert witness at public inquiry and examination in public and regularly instructs Counsel and has worked with all the leading planning chambers.

Peter has acted for developers, retailers, investors, house builders and housing associations across the country promoting commercial, retail, residential and mixed-use schemes. He provides planning strategy and tactical advice to achieve site allocations in Local Plans and planning permissions.

Peter has also gained extensive experience in planning for retail and town centre uses, both securing planning permission for retail uses and advising on town centre strategies and masterplans. He has worked on behalf of national retailers (both food and non-food), investors, developers and local authorities across the UK.

Outside work, Peter is kept busy by his two young children, which often involves visits to the numerous local play grounds and soft play areas. When time permits, he enjoys a game of cricket or a round of golf, and also follows the trials and tribulations of non-league Woking Football Club.

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