Adlington Road, Wilmslow
On behalf of Mirasa, we were instructed to secure planning permission for the demolition of a former 18 bed care home and the erection of a new apartment building providing 11 units with car parking, landscaping and associated facilities.
The site is located in an established residential area in mature landscaping and covered in its entirety by Tree Preservation Orders. The council has adopted specific Design Guidance for the area which originally comprised private parkland and large Victorian dwellings in substantial plots. Although the character of the area has changed and become mixed following the demolition and subdivision of many of the larger dwellings, the area retains a low density sylvan character.
We worked closely with the Council officers to address the comments raised by neighbouring residents to ensure the contemporary design reflected the height, density and massing of the existing building and the character of the area. Planning permission was refused contrary to officers recommendation by the Planning Committee but we successfully convinced the Planning Inspector that the development was acceptable and secured permission following an appeal.
For any further information, or general enquiries, please contact Ruth Child or Amanda Pickering.